For him City of Madrid promoting healthy eating habits is a priority. The people of Madrid have an excellent means at their disposal to develop these habits: the largest network of municipal markets in Europe. The Madrid markets They bring healthy, fresh and top quality products to each neighborhood.
The eating habits that we acquire in our early years become in many cases that we will maintain throughout our lives, and they will probably be the most difficult for us to change. Hence the importance of the little ones knowing the Madrid Markets, and learning to buy and prepare healthy dishes with their products.
In this spirit, the City of Madrid, through the General Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, has carried out an initiative launched with the collaboration of the food company Florette. With the name "From the Florette garden to the Madrid Markets", on May 18 and 19 a tent has been placed next to the Barcelo Market, in which an orchard of lettuce and first shoots has been installed.
Aimed at the general public, and especially children, the garden has had farmers who have explained the entire cultivation process: planting, harvesting, varieties, and the properties of the different vegetables. The well-known actor and MasterChef Miguel Angel Munoz that has made known the different products.
On the 18th, the orchard received a visit from the General Director of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Concha Diaz de Villegas, which has coincided with the arrival of the school children Elizabeth the Catholic Díaz de Villegas has valued the 46 municipal markets, and has recalled the commitment of the City of Madrid with a good diet.
Next, Miguel Angel Munoz has guided the young students through the interior of the Barcelo Market, where they have learned to buy products at the different stalls and to prepare a delicious salad with them.